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Frequently Asked Questions

Data Protection Issues, What signage do I need?

According to the guidelines for good CCTV practice, when a person enters an area where CCTV images are being recorded of them, they should be made aware of this by visible signage. In order that a person can find who to contact regarding viewing the stored CCTV images you need to put up signage with a method of contacting the CCTV operator, also know as the “scheme operator”. The “Whoiswatchingme” signs are idea for this.

Whoiswathcingme sign

Signage should be visible depending on how the person approached the area that is being recorded. For example,

An A4 Sign is suggested for positioning at ‘head height’ so that passing individuals can be made aware of a scheme. Where it is likely that passing drivers need to be kept informed of the operation of a scheme an A3 sign is suggested.